Set up your virtual academy today


Everything you need to start teaching online


Try for Free
  • Host up to 50 students per class
  • Time limit is 40 mins
  • Unlimited classes
  • Easy scheduling
  • Accept payments via Stripe
  • Beautiful booking pages
  • Built-in chat room
  • Analytics & attendance tracking
  • Resources library for docs, videos
  • Student dashboard
  • 10% transaction fee on bookings


Turn your Klas academy into a successful business


Get Started
Everything in Free, including
  • Host up to 500 students per class
  • Time limit is 2 hours
  • Unlimited classes
  • Custom branding
  • Detailed class insights & analytics
  • Class recordings and cloud storage
  • Email marketing Email marketing
  • 3% transaction fee on bookings


Take your Klas academy to the next level

$0.50/per student/mo

Coming Soon
Everything in Pro, including
  • Host up to 1000 students per class
  • No time limit
  • Unlimited classes
  • Password protected recordings
  • Priority support
  • Instant class transcriptions
  • Fully customizable
  • Custom onboarding
  • 2% transaction fee on bookings

*Optional Add-on Plans

You must be a registered user to purchase any add-on plan

Large Classes

Starting at $1,500 Per Mo

  • Host up to 10,000 students per class
  • Annual and monthly billing available
Contact Us


$15/Instructor Per Mo

  • Invite unlimited instructors and admins
  • Assign instructors to classes
  • Team reports and analytics
Contact Us

Frequently asked questions

Yes, if you ever decide Klas isn't the best teaching platform for your needs, simply cancel your account.

Absolutely, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time.

You can use Klas in nearly every country in the world

Yes, we charge a transaction fee on bookings depending on your plan. 10% booking fee on free plan, 3% fee on Pro, and 2% fee on Plus.

Not yet, but we have that in our 2023 roadmap to launch Klas for Nonprofits. So you can look out for that.

We offer instant payouts to our creators. So the moment you start receiving bookings to a class, we pay out the earnings in less than 30 mins.

Ready to start teaching?

Use Klas to create and manage your online academy