Empowering everyone to teach online

Launched in 2022, Klas is on a mission to empower everyone to teach engaging online classes.

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Launched in year


Learners worldwide


Active online schools

Countriess reached

We look forward to a future where learning is even more

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culture @ klas


culture @ klas


culture @ klas


Frequently asked questions

Everyone can use Klas. Including creators, online schools,communities, and even brands.

Currently, you can only host a paid class in 2 currencies: USD and NGN. We will be supporting more currencies in 2023.

It's completely free to use. You can opt for our paid plans: Klas Pro or Klas Enterprise. Check out our pricing page.

Zoom and Gmeet are video conferencing tools, but Klas is more than just a virtual classroom tech. You can accept payments fromstudents globally, manage your classes, offer online tests, and connect your favourite tools from our integration store. Klas takes a more all-in-one approach to online teaching, while still remaining simple and intuitive for everyone.

Udemy and Skillshare are marketplaces focused on pre-recorded courses. Klas is a shopify-like platform that lets you create, monetize, and host engaging live classes.

Yes you can record your classes on Klas. Once your class ends, you can then either download the class recording immediately or if the file is too big, you can auto-upload the class recording to YouTube.

As featured in

EdTech Review